Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Being Made To Feel Different

I am taking on-line college classes at Ivy Bridge College and we read an essay.  We had to respond to that essay we read and this is my response.  This work was turned in 09/16/2011.

Week 3 Discussion 2 Being Made To Feel Different

Being Made To Feel Different

I feel different a lot. I have experience feeling different before and after knowing how people can treat you. I am adopted Inuit Eskimo and Tlingit Indians to a white family. This mixture of origin make me look like an oriental or Asian person. While growing up I would always get asked by classmates if I am Chinese or Japanese, even now I get asked what is my Nationality. So my awareness has been innocent then, not knowing that at time people can do harm to one another with joke, like me Chinese, me play joke, me put pee pee in your coke...  Still innocent in middle school some more teasing, like people doing karate moves to joke with me.  In high school, some the same teasing, and some good friends. As an adult in the world, a little of everything, from meeting bad people to mean people to meeting good people. One year while working in a Pizza Hut I meet a pagan, this person openly admitted to be a practicing pagan. I hope someone understands real pagan, this was probably one of the most nicest and corrigible person I have ever meet compared to anyone else who keeps a façade. Then we have the present, being made feel like your job is going to get rid of you, after getting terminated from a job that you took a right stand but made a bad choice to go home early. Then recently, being asked if I was permanent yet or not after about four months of employment. Again, there are some bad people and good people there too, one girl yells at me from time to time, and one guy asked me to help him on some cash jobs he gets. I have learned to be compassionate. Compassion lead to patients, patients leads to understanding. Understanding leads to empathy and or forgiveness as needed. Compassion is the foundation of deliverance of sin, I have a wrestling with the spirit of the world and not with the blood and flesh.

What is required of us to grow? Some of it is life experience because you need that reality to relate to for a complete comprehension, and the willingness to change.

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