Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 1 Discussion 1 Discussion Board Assignment from ENG-100 70 INTRO TO COLLEGE READING & WRITING

Discussion Board Assignment
Hello, Emily Lewandowski and fellow classmates my name is Timko Mathiasen. I am from Kotzebue Alaska and as of right now I am in Raleigh N.C. I am studying Computers and Information Technology to work in either networking security or data forensic to recover lost data.
If I had an unlimited supply of food I would get everything that was, to try it all out, to taste all the food that existed sound great to me.
If I were an animal I would be a Porpoise or a Dolphin. We learn how much smarter they are to us and we learn that we only use a small percent or our brain. So I wounder how much knowledge does one have in our oceans.
Cool my favorite summer time activity isn't being in class but swimming!
If I could go any place in the world is were Jesus Christ walked. To see were our lord walked and talked, were he gave his sermon on the mount, to see the different cities he preached and taught would be some thing great to experience.
I believe learning academic reading a writing is important to an extent of effective communication. It has been known and proven over centuries that our English language changes in understanding and meaning with the use of slang and other lingo. To have a common ground of jargon of terms and understanding is important in communication, just think then how would it be to be a lawyer with out certain words in our society of law. With that being said, as this class is mandatory, I hate English as a subject of reading and writing. To be told what to read about and write about I would have that to be the Bible. To articulate one's other creative work is in the eye of the beholder, and yet hear we are. The communication between the reader and writer is a relationship, and some relationships just don't work were as other are wonderful, profound and most importantly enjoyable. But what I hate most about our English language as a subject not of communication but as we as man have a need for a definition to everything in existence, to give it meaning, to give it an identity, to give it a spot in a dictionary to be looked up. I my 44 years of life I already see this as a wedge that divides understanding in communication rather than uniting others with communication. A good example of what I am saying is the word ain't, I have see this non word used more by whites than blacks, I my self am an Eskimo and Indian from Alaska. The online dictionary Websters says different http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/aint.
Peace love, till next time

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